Use investment aid now and increase profitability
Up to 50% of the costs of selecting and introducing innovative methods for cleaning and treating surfaces will be reimbursed as state aid

New: now prolonged
Until 31st May 2021, the Luxembourg government will continue to authorise investment aid under certain conditions to increase productivity and competitiveness in the long term. In particular, projects for process innovation, which contribute significantly to environmental protection, will be supported.
With innovative cleaning processes you now win twice over:
Optimisation of profitability in terms of time, cost and quality
Funding for the introduction of these optimised, more environmentally friendly processes

- How much do you currently spend on cleaning your production facilities, conveyor belts and other machines and vehicles?
- What are your current costs for cleaning sorting machinery, filling and packaging lines and other electrical and mechanical equipment?
Imagine a way to remove all kinds of dirt – even stubborn stains and incrustations and even on components carrying current.
Thanks to innovative cleaning technologies, BSI Cleaning's clients save an average of 30% of their cleaning costs each year
- and so can you!

Avoid these profitability “killers”:
- Loss of production due to downtime
- Labour costs and downtime for dismantling
- Time loss due to the long, manual cleaning process
- Costs for waste treatment and pollutant cleanup
- Quality loss due to chemical, abrasive cleaning residues
- Transport costs of the cleaned parts
- Labour costs and downtime for reassembling cleaned parts
Receive special subsidies for environmentally friendly technologies
Improve the environmental balance of your cleaning processes now:
- No water consumption
- No pollutants
- No aggressive cleaning agents and residues
- No contamination
- No hazardous waste
Guaranteed profitability:
We identify your needs in order to achieve a guaranteed return on investment. As each project is unique, all our products and services are tailor-made. Studies and analyses of your current situation enable us to provide an adapted and precise response to your needs.
Client success case:
We investigated the needs of one of our customers who wanted to improve the working environment. The results of our study enabled him to save € 46,000 per year. Learn more about this success story and download the case study here.
This is the opportunity to take the next step ...
to modernise and generate a gain at the same time – and all of that is supported by this aid.

We will help you with the application for funding
The structure of our projects corresponds to the concept of investment aid: Measurable, guaranteed improvements in profitability and environmental protection are presented in writing in black on white right in the first step. This makes the application process much easier.
BSI Cleaning is the first and only company that analyses, defines and helps you to install the innovative cleaning solution that best suits your needs. Thanks to our experience in industrial engineering and our optimisation skills, we can provide you with the expertise that best meets your requirements.
Seize the opportunity now to use grants to optimise the profitability of your processes
Contact us to discuss the funding options and savings potential for your company – free of charge and without obligation!
Your company is located outside Luxembourg? Contact us – we will help you take advantage of possible investment subsidies for your region.
We commit ourselves to provide you with an answer as soon as possible.